Let Your Face Glow and Brighten your day

Taking the time to care for your skin is one way to show yourself love and respect. Latika Derma Indonesia’s make it easy to create a self-care that you’ll love, so you can feel your best every day.


Latika Beauty Care committed to inspiring you to embrace your natural beauty and to live your life to the fullest. We believe that everyone has the potential to be their best self, and we want to help you achieve your goals and feel your best.

Skin CAre

Kenapa menjaga kesehatan kulit wajah sangat penting ?

Merawat wajah sejak dini itu penting agar mendapat kulit yang sehat sehingga polutan penyebab penyakit bisa terhindarkan. Lalu, kapan waktu yang tepat untuk mulai merawat kulit wajah? Ada baiknya Anda merawat kulit sejak dini, yaitu mulai dari remaja.


Take step to get healthy skin

Having healthy skin can boost confidence and improve overall quality of life.

Cuci Muka Dengan benar
Gunakan Moisturizer
Gunakan Sunscreen
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